Sustainable Solutions with the EcovativeTM Label

Powerful Solutions with real Customer Benefits

We provide answers to social, economic and ecological needs in the areas of electromobility, climate protection, resource conservation and health and wellbeing. We have developed a special label to visually present our promise “Best in Foam - Sustainable through Innovation” in a notable way: It consists of three superimposed squares in the colors of our three sustainability areas PLANET, PEOPLE & PERFORMANCE and the in house generated word “ecovative”, a combination of the terms “ecologic” and “innovative”. 

The Ecovative label is our award for innovative Product solutions with special sustainable and economical value.

Excellent Sustainable Solutions


Innovative Product Solutions With Sustainable Value


请留意我们带有Ecovative标志的解决方案。 被标志为”Ecovative“的产品具有独特的可持续性和经济价值。 我们的承诺“最好的海绵-通过创新实现可持续发展”是基于我们的可持续发展原则“地球、人类和业绩”。 通过高性能解决方案和真正的客户利益,我们为所有利益相关者创造长期的附加值。