Ecological Sustainability


Nature compatible material cycles, recycling and waste avoidance as well as environmental protection

Social Sustainability


Employee and environmentally friendly working environment and social responsibility

Economical Sustainability


Responsible handling and efficient use of materials and energy, for sustainable solutions with added value


Our Sustainability Principle: Thinking and Acting Responsibly for Our Future!

The world needs our commitment. Climate change, global warming and finite resources bring about major changes. The protection of our environment and climate are central issues that affect us all. The aspect of sustainability is therefore becoming more and more relevant and is increasingly determining our thoughts and actions. Therefore, we need solutions that are socially, ecologically and economically justifiable for tomorrow’s world. At FoamPartner, we take these tasks very seriously. High performance solutions without sustainability and genuine customer benefit are inconceivable to us.

As one of the leading foam manufacturers, we are already enriching the market with new ideas today, and we want to play an active role in shaping it in the future. Our sustainability principle “PLANET, PEOPLE & PERFORMANCE” shows us the way.

We think sustainably in all relevant areas – socially, ecologically and economically.

We can only be successful with close cooperation of our employees, our plants and our products. That’s why we use various strategies to implement our sustainability claim in all areas.

We focus on nature compatible material cycles, recycling and waste avoidance. And we pay close attention to the highest possible level of environmental protection.

We ensure the establishment and expansion of an employee and environmentally friendly working environment and are also continuing to expand our social responsibility, both locally and globally.

We focus on the responsible handling and more efficient use of materials and energy, for sustainable solutions with added value.


请留意我们带有Ecovative标志的解决方案。 被标志为”Ecovative“的产品具有独特的可持续性和经济价值。 我们的承诺“最好的海绵-通过创新实现可持续发展”是基于我们的可持续发展原则“地球、人类和业绩”。 通过高性能解决方案和真正的客户利益,我们为所有利益相关者创造长期的附加值。