Solutions with Added Value
Solutions from FoamPartner are value adding and innovative with great application potential in many areas. Health and wellbeing, climate protection, e-mobility, resource conservation, digitization, and more are a part of sustainability in all areas of life, today and tomorrow.
Mobility –
focus on sustainable innovations
Topics such as health, safety, climate protection, resource conservation and material efficiency are a focus of attention in the automotive sector. Our focus is the improvement of air quality in the vehicle interior using lower emission ...
Specialties –
technical applications sustainably efficient
As a leading manufacturer and converter of best-in-class foam solutions, we offer our customers a wide range of more than 200 specialty foams and tailor made solutions for the most diverse applications. Sustainable ...
请留意我们带有Ecovative标志的解决方案。 被标志为”Ecovative“的产品具有独特的可持续性和经济价值。 我们的承诺“最好的海绵-通过创新实现可持续发展”是基于我们的可持续发展原则“地球、人类和业绩”。 通过高性能解决方案和真正的客户利益,我们为所有利益相关者创造长期的附加值。