Sustainable Solutions with the EcovativeTM Label
Powerful Solutions with real Customer Benefits
We provide answers to social, economic and ecological needs in the areas of electromobility, climate protection, resource conservation and health and wellbeing. We have developed a special label to visually present our promise “Best in Foam - Sustainable through Innovation” in a notable way: It consists of three superimposed squares in the colors of our three sustainability areas PLANET, PEOPLE & PERFORMANCE and the in house generated word “ecovative”, a combination of the terms “ecologic” and “innovative”.
The Ecovative label is our award for innovative Product solutions with special sustainable and economical value.
Excellent Sustainable Solutions
The solution for modern headliners: regular surfaces, soft-touch feel, and improved interior climate make for enthusiastic consumers
Ether-based Prepolymer for innovative Headliners
B 2240 Eco
The new packaging foam B 2240 Eco actively contributes to the saving of resources. Its excellent goods protection properties plus its high degree of flexibility make it the perfect packaging solution for your premium products.
Resource-saving Foams for Packaging Solutions
Sustainably protect your assemblies and complex systems against the unintentional penetration and leakage of moisture, such as water, oil and other liquids, as well as gases and fine particles
Efficient and Sustained Protection with the Newest Generation of Low-Emission Sealing Systems
Automotive, Construction, Machines & White Goods
Our highly elastic polyurethane foam EvoPoreHRC combines the advantages of normal HR foams with revolutionary climatic resistance, excellent support and excellent comfort.
Premium HRC Comfort Foam
Mattress Cores, Pillow Cores, Toppers, Upholstery & Furniture Material
The latest generation of our comfort foams scores with exceptional elasticity and precise adaptability – Boxspring comfort without springs, 100% metal-free.
Premium VHRC Comfort Foam
Mattress Cores, Mattress Inserts, Toppers & Mattress Cores for the Health Industry
Lightweight Foams
Innovative mattress material for motorhomes & camper vans: 30% lighter than traditional mattress foam and very long-lasting – no compromises when it comes to comfort.
Lightweight Mattress Foams for Motorhomes
Motorhomes, Camper Vans & Truck Cabs
Delivered in customized industrial formats, special shapes & die cuts in combination with other materials, such as abrasive & non-abrasive non-wovens.
Novel Sponge Foam with Cellulose-like Cleaning & Wiping Behavior
Green Roof Systems
Innovative Green Roofing with Water Storage Mats of Polyurethane Foam.
Green Roof Systems enliven Urban Spaces
Roof Greening, Water Storage Mats
Vertical Gardening Systems
Green Walls – Vertical Gardening Systems for Naturally Beautiful Rooms. Living Walls provide improved indoor climate, optimized sound absorption & increased well-being.
Modular System for Living Walls
Green Walls, Plant Walls

Our Award for Sustainable Products
Look out for our solutions with the Ecovative label. Products that are awarded this label have a particularly sustainable and economic value. Our promise "Best in Foam - Sustainable through Innovation" is based on our sustainability principle PLANET, PEOPLE & PERFORMANCE. With this we create long-term added value for all stakeholders through high-performance solutions and real customer benefits.